Sunday, April 5, 2020

Quarantine Day 23: Fun Before Work

Recently I posted about a puzzle I was doing. I did the sky first on this particular puzzle because it is my least favorite part to do. The reactions I got were funny! People had never seen puzzling done this way.

Well, I don't normally do puzzles this way. Normally I do the boarder edges like everyone else I know then fill in from there. But my philosophy in life is to get the stuff I want to do the least out of the way and then enjoy myself afterwards.

I have to say, Quarantine is making that motto a bit tougher. Having not "worked" for the first two weeks of Quarantine, I got a bit lazy. I coped by reading and video gaming and puzzling and cooking.  

I would sleep in for an hour or so and then relax. I would then spend my late morning and evening planning for the weeks and grading late work. And completing work for the two courses I am taking (online) at the moment.

I don't think I can get used to this fashion of doing my life. It makes me put off things much longer than I would prefer. Laundry. Don't need to do it yet. Dishes? There aren't many just yet. Mail piling up? All my bills are paid so this is all junk. It'll get cleaned soon.

It is starting to already drive me a bit nuts to be cluttered, so I am likely going to go back to my normal work first play second mentality. It feels so good to have things done and then relax without the on my back!

What about you? Has your life changed in this way since we went on lockdown?