Sunday, March 6, 2011


Can you believe I haven't blogged since Jan 31?

Well, a few housekeeping items, first. My sinus surgery has been amazing....although this weekend I was gifted with my first cold since I was approximately 8 years old. I realize that swimming from age 9-18 kept me healthy and then having antibiotics on a nearly continuous basis between age 20 and 30+ prevented me from catching them. I'm braving through this and nearing my regular energy level. Good thing because kickboxing continues tomorrow!

But back to my Title. Fruition. It's been developing a lot this semester with my students. Little things that show me my students are opening their eyes. In February I took students to Chicago with another teacher to tour and learn about the Board of Trade. I think a lot of students had an eye-opening experience, that the world is bigger than they thought. That work can be harder than they thought.

Then last week I finally had my first speaker of the semester. I had tried to create a weekly speaker series with people from the various industries students want to work in. I had a woman from a local hospital speak about a nursing career. A lot of my students want to go into a medical field and they were extremely interactive with her, asking a lot of questions. Afterwards one of my students said it almost made her cry because it make her passionate to talk about her future medical career. YES!!

This week we're taking taxes. My taxes speakers haven't been responding to me (they hopped on board immediately last year) so it's going to be me teaching how to do them. Lord help me!
Meanwhile, my 2nd speakers, from WICD tv, will be coming in to talk about journalism. I have 1-2 journalism folks in my class. Hopefully they'll speak up and pick their brains.

It's a short one today. I'm tired. And it's past bedtime. So g'night everyone!

Take that next step towards your dream this week, and see where it takes you....

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