Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good Day Sunshine!

I woke this morning and felt like I had had a great night sleep and was rested for the first time in weeks after having my 1st sinus infection since surgery last December.

It was one of those days, for the 2nd time this week, where I woke up and just knew it would be a good day. It didn't hurt that I had the Beatle's Revolver album circulating throughout the morning with Good Day Sunshine playing despite the rainy mist falling outside.

The puppy was fairly swift in doing his outdoor duty (yes, I was tempted to write doody) and that enabled me to only be about 10 minutes behind schedule by the time I got out of the shower. I managed to leave for work right on time which I haven't done in about 2 weeks.

It's rare to have those blissful days where work isn't bad, in fact it is going pretty well. I'm swamped with Junior Class stuff (Homecoming Class t-shirt orders, U-crew fan club t-shirt orders, float building meetings, Post Prom meetings with the principals, etc) and my job site visits with students which have ramped up.

I suppose the point of this particular blog is to report that looking at the bright side of things is the best way to live your life.

Dwell on the negatives (and I think I've been doing that the last few days) only causes bad days. Which can turn a bit more long-term when there is a stalled low frontal weather system over the great lakes region causing gray, rainy days for nearly a 2 week period! Sure, I could have complained today about giving up my prep to meet with my juniors. And the fact that I'd been visiting kids for 1 1/2 hours after school when I would rather be at home taking a nap or playing with the puppy. Or realizing that by getting home near 4:20 allows me less than an hour before I'd have to workout which means the dog may get mad and destroy more areas of my apartment (he'd burrowed into the wall and shredded a portion of carpet last week in the evening when I didn't give him enough attention).

But no. The meeting went great. The kids are creative and want to make things the best they can. My students were all doing great things at work. I had a quick chat with my sister who sadly had to attend to my niece who was causing a few issues in the cleanliness department. And despite not working out, I can sit here tonight and watch Piccolo sleep on the top cushions of the couch back sound asleep with his fluffy tail hanging down the side. How can that not make your day better?

So take the time to look at your day and find the good points. They are there. You just need to pull back the curtain!

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