Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I even have my own parking spot...

Institute Day 2 has come and gone and I am fully ready for tomorrow's Freshman Orientation. I say "fully ready" because I only have 4 freshman in my Biz Law class. I love the Freshman though and can't wait to represent and get to know these students over the next 4 years as Freshman Class Co-Sponsor through till their Senior year when I'll be _______ Class Co-Sponsor. I think you can figure that one out. See? I'm in teacher mode!

We began our day in meetings at 8am. I arrived and parked Chicago style just as I've done the last year, backing into my parking spot. I noticed yesterday that I actually have my own spot and it is  marked "Reserved for Coop Coordinator." Sweet! I'm probably the only one who felt bad yesterday that I didn't park in it and took a regular spot, preventing someone who wasn't me from getting a spot. But as there is balance in the universe, someone had parked in MY spot so the guilt vanished when I noticed that a bold soul didn't care whose spot it was!

Today's meetings were about professional development, reviewing changes to the faculty/student handbooks and discussing how our school is measuring up to No Child Left Behind and the standards set by our fine government. There were a few giveaways, a massive breakfast of bagels, cream cheese and donuts and then a little bit more talk before we all had times to go our own way and work in our rooms or office. I've not met all the people whose rooms I'll be taking over for a period each day. The science dept. chair seemed a bit nervous that I'd disturb his room. Actually, he was more concerned about my classroom management skills and if my students would disturb his room. I told him it would be a lot of discussion with little reason to move around and it would all be fine. Let's hope I'm right!

I didn't go to lunch, having filled up on breakfast a bit earlier. Seriously, I don't eat donuts as a general rule, but a strawberry donut was too much to resist! Instead, I took the time to investigate the copy room. Once I asked for directions (I was 2 doors off) I made my copies of syllabi and information sheets for Coop. I didn't know how to log off the copier though so I waited for someone to come in and a nice fellow teacher showed me the way. 

Last night I had a large to-do list, mainly tweaking my info sheets and syllabi as well as creating a quick ice breaker bingo game. To finish the list, I had to make copies so I felt pretty set. My desk is nicely organized and all I have left to do for this week is to start brining all my books back to school. Feeling set, I actually left before the rest of my department. This is a major accomplishment for me. While doing marketing, I used to always come in early and stay late or even skip lunch just to make people see that I was working hard. I was working for praise rather than to get the job done and it was making my life so much more stressful than it needed to be. I'm determined not to LOOK like I'm working hard but to demonstrate how my hard work is paying off through results and rapport with my students. I'll put in the requisite hours (and more on occasion) but I'm not going to sit at my desk so people SEE me doing work. It sounds silly but it was an honest to goodness issue I dealt with and was a tough mental issue to shake. 

Two other quick notes before I sign off. I didn't like anything on the radio this morning so I hit the "tape" button in my car. Yes, it's 11 years old and has a tape player. The follow up answer to the question you are currently thinking is yes, I still own cassette tapes. The one in the player, which I had no idea what it may be was REO Speedwagon. REO, of course, is from Champaign and was started by two U of I engineering students. The song that played was "Only the Strong Survive." Apropos, no?
   Main street in Champaign is dedicated to the band. 

The other note is regarding my personal training sessions. Last week I tried the squat machine for the 1st time. I nearly passed out. I don't think I was breathing and I think I had too much of my energy/weight pushing against the bar on my shoulders which means I wasn't lifting correctly. Today I got through both sets with no problems aside from really not doing the breathing well. Major accomplishment for me! I did have "Only the Strong Survive" in my head so maybe...

I can't wait to share with you all about Freshman day tomorrow and the full school of students on Thursday/Friday. Go Tigers. I'm definitely going to earn my stripes. 

1 comment:

  1. So fun to see C-U through your eyes, Kristen! Thanks for bringing all of us along on your journey :)
